Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A New View of the Cross...

I haven't been here in a while. I have come to the conclusion that I am more of a blog-reader than a blog-writer. That is probably evident by the lack of posts, but my heart is FULL and I have been learning a lot, I can't help but share.

During this Easter season my heart has been GRIPPED with a view of the cross that looks much different to me than it ever has before. It's funny, because even as I write this, reflecting more, I am on the verge of tears because it has been such a revealing season for my heart. I am learning. I am being stretched. I am having to trust. All things I thought I had experience in surplus before, and perhaps I have, but right now it seems to be happening when I turn each corner.

I have been reading through the Scriptures this year. Right now I am knee-deep in the Old Testament. I have spent a lot of time reading through rule after rule after rule on the pages of the Old Testament, and my heart has been stirred.

As I approached the Easter season, I, of course, was filled with a thankful heart as I thought of the unthinkable, selfless act my Savior made for me. Upon further examination of the cross, and after reading through the Old Testament - my view has forever been changed. I've always known the rules the Old Testament presented, but something about reading them during the Easter season really did a number on my view of the cross.

The veil was torn and a New Covenant has become reality for me. Such a sacrifice.

Then tonight, as I continue to read, there have been a few days of the psalms that I am reading. As I read through Psalm 77, I couldn't stop reading over and over verse 4 "You hold my eyelids open"...and while the context isn't one of a super joyful Psalmist, I am finding SO MUCH joy, because I can't help but think about what Jesus does for me - he holds my eyelids open so I can see what He is doing for me yesterday, today, and forever - and that is my view of the cross today. A Savior who suffered so that a veil could be torn, so that freedom would be my reality and that He could open my eyes so that I could try to understand His sacrifice.


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