Spring Break starts in 8 hours. I. am. so. excited!!! I will be in Kansas City enjoying my friends and family that I have been away from for far too long. It will be a great week. This week I had to give the devotion for the staff at school. If I could choose a crowd to speak in front of, they would be a lot younger (i.e. 4th graders) but I was so blessed by the people I get to work with each day. It went SO well!
The Lord has been challenging my lately with honesty. Not that I go around telling lies to anyone who will listen- but I do mask who I am at time...and why? My faith community isn't to be a place where I hide my brokenness and strive for perfection. A perfect person has never crossed the threshold of that place. We should be able to share our sin and receive so much love from our church, because we do from Jesus.
I am just humbled by all of the stuff Jesus dealt with in the Bible that wasn't glamorous. He dealt with prostitution, murder...My 4th graders talked about how there are bad things in the Bible too, and it's okay! We get the opportunity to learn from Moses killing a guy. BUT even in those times Jesus came with love, tenderness, and TACT. Something I strive for. To be like Jesus so I can be a comforting friend when hard things happen. Jesus quiets us with His love...He doesn't shout.
Love, not judgment, goes before a changed life. Brokenness, not perfection, goes before a changed life. Who wouldn't tell Someone who would love you into wholeness about every secret, mistake and hope you've ever had?
I am thankful I serve a Lord who loves me into wholeness.
Enjoy today!
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