This week I checked off my list:
--Successfully completed Parent/Teacher Conferences with minimal tear shed.
--Went on my first field trip as a teacher.
I would say that is a productive week!
Obviously I cannot check off my list: Got all kids to look at camera and smile.
Baby steps.
I am also learning how much my students love to hunt. With this realization I am learning how little I know about hunting. Little being none. I know zip. BUT I can listen and smile and nod with the best of them.
Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks. Right now I am feeling good. I feel rested and still haven't reached a point where I have felt completely overwhelmed. I don't think I will get there. I am confident in the Lord and Him leading me here, and comforting me while I am here. Plus, I have my lesson plans done for the next 2 weeks so I am happy.
Here's to bonfires and cooler weather--Fall is here!
i absolutely love reading your blog. I love reading how much you are growing and thriving in where God has placed you. I'm sure you did wonderfully both at parent teacher conferences and the field trip. Those kids must be having a blast! I'm so proud of you.