I haven't been here in a while, but I am here now. I hope this allows you to look past the lack of posting since my ode to the New Year. Actually, this is a poor excuse because all I have been looking at for what seems like an eternity is this:

Which is a wonderful time to either go cabin-fever crazy, cook a lot, or spend time reflecting on what the Lord is doing in my life.
Truthfully, I've done the latter 2 because I don't really mind being in my apartment. (where it is warm, and less dangerous than the untreated streets of NWA) I'm an independent lady and really love the quiet (I think this is really called being an introverted hermit but "independent lady" has a classier ring to it.)
I have also learned that the key to a successful snow day is: equal parts coffee and snow. I know this sounds a little absurd, but there are only so many things that can make a week of snow days productive.
Sunday at church our pastor talked about the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We looked at John 16. We started by looking at v. 5-6 which describes the
uncertainty the disciples are feeling about their future and what their life was going to be subject to. At this point Jesus is having a conversation with the disciples and explaining that He is returning to the Father...they aren't concerned with Jesus- and by what method He will return to the Father, but more so what
their livelihood will amount to without Him.
Step back (putting myself in their sandals): I, in my selfish nature, have always been worried about the disciples too. Why should I wonder where my Savior is going? Why should I wonder how He got there? He can take care of Himself. I am more concerned with
Him leaving Me to face it 'alone'.
So I sat in my seat at church on Sunday--humbled. I was reminded that my Parakletos is here. I'm not alone. I have a Savior that left so that a Helper could come. I was reminded that my relationship with the Lord should not be chalked up to the number of "mountain top experiences" or "high time" interactions with the Holy Spirit - but my time with Him should be steady because of my obedience to the Word of God.
To walk by the Spirit is to live with moment by moment dependency on and sensitivity to the initial prompting of the Holy Spirit. -Charles Stanley
If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Galatians 5:25
Enjoy today!