Conveniently, with this time of year comes topic after topic of:
-new beginnings
-starting over
-fresh starts...
Whatever phrase you have coined to signify this time of year; the one thing I see to be a constant after the rush of the holidays is a time of starting over, vowing to make this year better than the rest...better year, better you...then it typically not working out and 365 days later we're at it again.
What if we took each day that the Lord blesses us with, and allowed Him to work through us to make each day better than the day before, for His glory? What if we took each day and let the Lord stretch us, and use us in a different way than the day before? I am confident that each day would be completely different than the previous, and the Lord would be glorified. What if we looked at each situation in our life, good or bad- and gave glory to our Lord's sovereignty without asking why?
I am excited to know that in my inadequacy the Lord still sees good in me. I am excited to know that my passions are being revealed to me each day as I set foot into room 4B. I am absolutely thrilled to know that the Lord loves through me each day. Humbled to know that my own strength is worthless always, but especially in front of 15 4th graders.
In this moment I feel really blessed to be where I am. I have never been a very emotional person, but I have noticed that when in pursuit of a relationship with the Lord, I can't help but show emotion at His glory revealed to me through His word, sweet friends, and the most special 4th graders I know.
The Lord blessed me with a lot in 2010:
-graduation from college
-sweet summer at YouthFront
-unbelievable job in ARKANSAS
-new friends
-fun new apartment
-new sister
Here's to 2011, and the Lord revealing Himself to me with each morning cup of coffee.
Enjoy today!