I can't believe that in 1 week it is going to be NOVEMBER. Time is flying by! Fall is definitely here. Arkansas has confirmed any thought I have ever had that Fall is my favorite season. It's gorgeous here. The only part I forgot about was how dark it is in the mornings. Leaving my apartment at 7AM without the sun up is a little disheartening, but watching the fog rise across the field makes it worth it. Breathtaking.
I am still doing really well. I feel like the first year chaos is settling for now. I am feeling organized and that this lifestyle I have chosen is great. I'm falling into a nice routine when it comes to my planning. I love my kids, I love my kids' parents. There is such a strong partnership between school-teacher-parents. It's really nice to see.
Since I last blogged I have learned:
4th graders STILL say the funniest things. Today we were writing notes and drawing pictures for the Operation Christmas boxes that we put together last week. One of my boys who really needs a lot of clarification when given an assignment asked me if he could draw a picture of Moby Dick for his box. Well of course. :) Such a funny thing to want to draw, but he's passionate about animals...so why not?!?
4th graders are also full of germs. Who isn't, really? 4th graders just seem to be more skilled in the art of passing them around. For example: 4th graders put everything in their mouth: shoe laces, hoodie strings, bracelets, paperclips found on the floor...the list could go on and on. 4th graders cough a lot. They rarely cough in their sleeve. Usually it's in my face. Which is fine. My immune system is either going to become rock solid or crumble before us all. I will keep you updated.
I love 4th graders. Even when they are break dancing during my spelling tests.
Outside of school (sort of...it's in the same building) I have plugged into a really great group at church. There is a lot of love and a lot of striving to live like Jesus. To fulfill his commandment to us to GO. It's really refreshing. Today I was reading in James. God inspired James to write some words that really kick me in the hiney. That's what it takes sometimes. I am thankful for being surrounded by those seeking the Lord and sharing what they are learning with me, humbly.
Humility cures worldliness. Alright. A redeemed heart is more than knowing God and resisting the devil. A redeemed heart seeks out constant communion with God.
Here's to germ-ex and cough drops.